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Hahn Honors LA County Armenian American Leaders for Armenian Heritage Month 150 150 Hayley Munguia

Hahn Honors LA County Armenian American Leaders for Armenian Heritage Month

Albert Tchoukadarian and Dr. Armond Aghakhanian accepted honors at Board of Supervisors Meeting Tuesday

Los Angeles, CA – This morning, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn recognized two local Armenian American leaders on the occasion of Armenian History Month, which Supervisor Kathryn Barger led the Board of Supervisors in proclaiming for the month of April.

“LA County’s Armenian heritage runs deep. This is a community that found refuge here, and today is such a treasured part of our cultural, economic, and social fabric. And Albert and Armond are exceptional representatives for their community. Their contributions to business, education, opportunity, innovation, and so many other fields have changed lives and we are so fortunate to have them here,” said Hahn.

Albert Tchoukadarian heads the American Armenian Businessmen Coalition, a non-profit organization focused on philanthropy, charity, and education. His charity efforts also extend overseas; Tchoukadarian’s grandparents sought refuge in Lebanon during the Armenian Genocide, and today Tchoukadarian returns to Lebanon annually to bring financial assistance and medicine to Armenians living in poverty. Here in Los Angeles County he has created programs for job placement for recent immigrants, rental assistance for minorities, and facilitated partnerships between business owners and law enforcement to ensure a safe business environment.

Hahn presents her recogintion to Albert Tchoukadarian

Hahn also recognized Dr. Armond Aghakhanian, who serves as Director of the East Los Angeles College (ELAC) Foundation and the founder of ELAC’s Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Incubator. It is the only institution of its kind in the region created to accelerate the startup and growth phase for enterprises owned by people of color, women, veterans, the formerly incarcerated, and members of the LGBT community. He is also himself a lifelong educator, currently teaching at both Glendale Community College and ELAC.

Hahn honors Dr. Armond Aghakhanian

“Who would have thought that an 18-year-old who came from Germany as a refugee … would be standing here today not only being honored by five fearless, determined and loving and caring women … but also to be an elected official in the city of Burbank,” said Aghakhanian, who also serves as Vice President of the Burbank Board of Education. “Thank you everyone, thank you Supervisor Hahn. Thank you for this honor.”

Hahn Stands with Armenians on 36th Anniversary of Massacre in Sumgait 150 150 Hayley Munguia

Hahn Stands with Armenians on 36th Anniversary of Massacre in Sumgait

Los Angeles, CA – Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn released the following statement to mark the 36th anniversary of the pogrom against the Armenian residents of Sumgait, Azerbaijan:

“I stand with the Armenian victims and descendants of the Sumgait pogroms on this 36th anniversary and with the 120,000 Armenians of Artsakh who fled from their homelands after a 280-day blockade ended in a brutal military invasion by Azerbaijan last year.

I call on the Biden Administration to sanction Azerbaijan under the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act and to provide urgently needed humanitarian assistance to the 150,000 Armenians forcibly displaced from Artsakh since September 2020. As Azerbaijan continues its unprovoked attacks on the Republic of Armenia itself, I urge Congress to revoke the Presidential Waiver of Section 907 of the FREEDOM Support Act to stop U.S. military aid to Azerbaijan.”

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