November 26, 2024

Hahn issues Statement on Proposal to Establish County Homelessness Department

Los Angeles, CA — Today, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn issued the following statement on a proposal by Supervisor Lindsey Horvath and Supervisor Kathryn Barger to shift some responsibilities away from LAHSA and establish a County Department dedicated to homeless service delivery:

“Voters have not given up on solving our homelessness crisis. By supporting Measure A, they proved they not only believe solutions exist, but they are also willing to spend their own money investing in those solutions. We owe these voters and every person suffering on the streets results.

I am open to the idea of creating a new county department if it will actually mean bringing people inside faster and more effectively addressing this humanitarian crisis. What I am not interested in is replacing one bureaucracy with another or rolling back the progress we have made linking arms with the City of Los Angeles.

I will continue to dig into the practical realities of what this proposal would mean for homeless service providers and the tens of thousands of people who depend on them and I look forward to seeing the report back we requested today.”

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