Hahn Asks Governor to Study Closure of Playa del Rey Gas Storage Facility
Los Angeles, CA — Today, as the Board of Supervisors supported the expedited closure of the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage field, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn led an effort to oppose any plan to increase the storage capacity of the natural gas storage facility in Playa del Rey and asked Governor Newsom to study closing the facility.
“I support closing Aliso Canyon but I want to make sure that doesn’t result in more natural gas being stored at the facility in Playa del Rey,” said Supervisor Janice Hahn. “The Playa del Rey facility is a risk to the surrounding neighborhoods and to our environment. I stand with my residents who want this facility closed and I am asking Governor Newsom to study the feasibility of closing it.”
The Board had been considering a proposal by Supervisor Kathryn Barger to send a letter to Governor Newsom supporting plans for the expedited closure of the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility. Supervisor Hahn voiced her full support for that plan, but added an amendment stating the Board’s opposition to any proposal to increase storage at the Playa del Rey Natural Gas Storage Facility as well as a request that Governor Newsom commission a study to look at the feasibility of doing so.
Both the item and the amendment passed unanimously.