January 1, 1970

Individuals Missing Long Beach Man Tracked and Saved Using LA Found Bracelet

Long Beach, CA- This afternoon, a 60-year-old man with schizophrenia who had gone missing was found using an LA Found trackable bracelet. 

The man, whose name is Steve, wandered away from a treatment center on 28th street and Pacific avenue in Long Beach. Luckily, his family had recently signed him up for the County’s LA Found program and he was wearing his Project Lifesaver trackable bracelet provided to him through the program. 

A Sheriff’s Department helicopter unit equipped with tracking technology was able to identify Steve’s location in 20 minutes. A Mental Evaluation Team was sent to the area where they found Steve, deescalated the situation, and returned him safely to his worried brother. 

“Steve was found quickly and safely thanks to LA Found and the good work of our Sheriff’s Department MET team,” said Supervisor Janice Hahn. “If you have a loved one who has Alzheimer’s, autism, dementia, or another cognitive impairment, please consider enrolling them in LA Found.”

This is the seventh successful save for the LA Found program since it began in September. To learn more about the program and how you can enroll a loved one, visit LAfound.com


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