Hahn Appoints Whittier Realtor Annamarie Banales to County’s Assessment Appeals Board
Los Angeles, CA — Today, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn appointed Whittier resident and realtor Annamarie Banales to the Los Angeles County Assessment Appeals Board. The Assessment Appeals Board acts in a quasi-judicial capacity, settling valuation disputes between the taxpayers and the Assessor’s Office, and equalizing the County’s property tax roll.
“Making the decisions that this Board makes demands expertise, and thanks to her more than 20 years of experience in real estate, Annamarie has what it takes,” said Hahn. “I know she will be a great asset to the Board.”
Annamarie’s years of experience span various roles, including as a REO Broker Executive Assistant, BPO Agent, and Transaction Coordinator. Through that work, Banales has gained extensive expertise in the fields of property valuation, short sale negotiation, real estate compliance codes and disclosure.
On her appointment, Annamarie said, “Being appointed onto the Assessment Appeals Board will give me a great opportunity to use my knowledge of property value in the area that we serve.”