February 27, 2024

Hahn Appoints Long Beach Community Leader to County’s Consumer Affairs Advisory Commission

Los Angeles, CA — Today, Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn appointed Long Beach resident Bob Gill to the Los Angeles County Consumer Affairs Advisory Commission (CAAC), which advises the Director of Consumer Affairs regarding the need for changes in procedures, programs or legislation to protect consumers and methods for more effective consumer education.

“Our County commissions help us look after the best interests of residents, and we need people who are committed to the public good in these roles. Bob has shown that commitment time and time again for Long Beach, and now we’re fortunate to have his help in promoting and defending the interests of consumers throughout the County,” said Hahn.

Gill has led large information dissemination meetings and moderated political debates for Long Beach elected offices, and also serves on the Long Beach Police Department Community Advisory Committee that assists the LBPD in improving policies & procedures. He is also president of the Los Cerritos Neighborhood Association. Professionally, Gill has used his information technology and cybersecurity experiences to help inform and protect consumers, and to make consumer processes safer and easier to use.

“I appreciate Supervisor Hahn’s confidence in appointing me to the Consumer Affairs Advisory Commission and want thank the entire Board of Supervisors for this opportunity to help protect and promote the interests of consumers throughout Los Angeles County,” said Gill.

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