Supervisor Hahn Disappointed in SCAQMD Vote to Allow Refineries Continued Use of Deadly Chemical in Torrance and Wilmington
Diamond Bar, CA— Today, Supervisor Janice Hahn is speaking out against the SCAQMD Governing Board’s decision to drop their pursuit of a rule that would phase out and ban the use of deadly Modified Hydrofluoric Acid (MHF) at local refineries. Refineries had proffered a series of voluntary safety measures in exchange for the Board dropping the rulemaking process as well as dropping pursuit of a possible MOU.
Supervisor Janice Hahn voted no on the refineries’ proposal. She maintains that removing MHF is the only way to remove risk from the communities she represents. The proffer accepted today offers no accountability and no assurances that any of it will actually be implemented.
“I am disappointed in this vote. This chemical is deadly and it is a constant threat. The refineries should implement every safety measure possible – but they will fail in the event of a major earthquake, explosion, or attack. I am angry on behalf of the residents I represent, and I will continue to fight for this dangerous chemical to be removed from our refineries.”
Modified Hydrofluoric Acid is used in just two refineries in California: the Torrance Refinery and the Valero Refinery in Wilmington.